Le Futur
Etudes de cas

Procèdure tél. 01 75 43 20 20

Votre système de stockage externe Packard Bell est en panne, n'est plus accessible ? Nos ingénieurs vont vous aider. Quelque soit le probléme que vous rencontrez sur votre disque dur externe Packard Bell, nous vous apportons une solution de récupération de données optimale. N'hésitez pas à nous contacter au 01 75 43 20 20 ou en remplissant le formulaire suivant.

La récupération de données consiste à extraire avec toutes les données devenues inaccessibles sur l'ensemble des surfaces magnétiques un disque dur. Ceci nécessite un savoir-faire et maîtriser des moyens techniques avancés afin d'obtenir des taux de réussite supérieur à 95%. Ne confiez pas votre système à des sociétés qui s'affichant comme acteurs dans ce domaine alors qu'elles ne sont qu'intermédiaires et confient leur travaux à des laboratoires tel que le notre.

Un disque dur n'est plus reconnu par votre système pour des raisons multiples et variées :

- l'effacement par erreur de fichiers ou le formatage accidentel total ou partiel du système de fichiers.

- le dysfonctionnement des sous-ensembles du disque dur comme son moteur (blocage, vibration, grippage...), le bloc de têtes de lecture qui peu-être hors service (HS) pour des raisons électromagnétiques (composants) ou électromécaniques (crash des têtes sur la surface magnétique) ou une dégradation de la surface magnétique.

- des secteurs magnétiques défectueux souvent dues à un défaut de la surface magnétique ce qui peut être la conséquence d'un frottement accidentel des têtes de lecture. Les chocs répétitifs sur les disques durs dans les ordinateurs portables, les disques durs externes ou tous autres appareils mobiles sont l'une des causes de ce type de problèmes. La chute de disques durs externes est également souvent la cause conduisant à la panne partielle voir définitive de votre disque dur.

- les informations essentielles au bon fonctionnement du disque dur contenues dans la zone système qui peuvent être corrompues ou inaccessibles. Ce type de problème est en relation avec le firmware (microcode) qui contiennent des informations capitales pour le bon fonctionnement du disque dur. L'identification du disque dur avec son numéro de série, et autres informations, sont contenues dans le firmware. Avec un firmware endommagé, le disque dur ne peut pas fonctionner car il ne peut pas s'initialiser correctement.

- le défaut de fabrication d'un des composants constituant le disque dur qui provoque des problèmes d'entrée/sortie (communication avec son terface), de redondance cyclique, de génération de code de correction d'erreurs (ECC) et conduire à une panne partielle ou totale du disque dur.

- la panne de la carte contrôleur (ou carte électronique - PCB) suite à une surtension ou un court-circuit (choc électrique), qui peuvent causer la destruction d'un composant électronique contrôlant le moteur principal, la destruction du pré-amplificateur de données (au niveau du bloc de tête de lecture) ou la destruction totale des circuits électroniques. Il est nécessaire d'assurer une bonne qualité votre alimentation (l'utilisation d'un onduleur) et surveiller à ce que votre disque dur reste à une bonne température (pas de surchauffe). L'erreur de connexion d'un mauvais câble d'alimentation, lorsqu'il n'y a pas de détrompeur, peut provoquer également ce type de problème.

Afin de récupérer vos précieuses données, confiez votre disque dur ou système de stockage à des professionnels reconnus sur le marché depuis plus de 10 ans avec deux laboratoires en région parisienne, un gage de garantie pour la récupération de vos données.

Le prix de la récupération de vos données constitue également un point important dans ce choix : il dépend de différents éléments comme le type de panne, qui peut nécessiter une l'intervention en salle blanche ou pas, le temps passé, l'utilisation de procédés ou équipements spéciaux. Les tarifs varient mais ils correspondent toujours aux interventions nécessaires à la réalisation de la prestation.

La réparation d'un disque dur est une opération qui se déroule 9 fois sur 10 en salle blanche afin d'extraire les données présentes. Toutefois, dans certains cas, lorsqu'il s'agit d'un problème de firmware par exemple, il est possible de réparer le disque dur en vue d'une future réutilisation. Néanmoins que ce type de réparation a une incidence sur la qualité

future de ce dernier qui risque de retomber en panne à n'importe quel moment. Une réparation systématique est possible uniquement en cas de problèmes récurrents concernant un modèle précis de disque dur.

En cas de grand nombre de pannes sur un modèle de disque dur, le fabricant peut-être tenté de tous les réparer (retour RMA sous garantie) afin de limité ses pertes financières.

Les disques durs portant le sceau "refurbished" ne devraient pas être réutilisés comme un produit neuf. Si votre disque dur n'est pas reconnu, plusieurs raisons sont possibles : il n'est pas alimenté, il ne tourne plus du tout...

Si un bruit anormal se fait entrendre, il s'agit peut-être des têtes de lecture qui sont défectueuses. La non reconnaissance de votre disque dur dans le BIOS ou dans le gestionnaire de périphérique est un symptôme évident

d'un sur votre disque dur. Si votre ordinateur ne se lance pas, se bloque, se fige avec un écran bleu ou si les messages suivant s'affichent : Disk boot failure, Primary hard disk fail, Operating system not found, No operating system found,

USB Device malfunctioned", Invalid system disk, S.M.A.R.T. Capable But Command Failed, Périphérique usb non reconnu"..., votre disque dur interne ou externe est défectueux.

Si votre disque dur génére un bruit anormal comme des claquements, des bruits métalliques, NE LE LAISSEZ EN MARCHE ! et surtout ne tentez pas de le rallumer. En effet les risques de complications sont importants si cet état dure.

Le risque que les têtes de lecture finissent par être définitivement abîmées est grand avec un fort rique quelles s'écrasent sur les plateaux en provoquant des rayures et une perte totale de vos données.

Packad Bell iMedia A3508 FR iMedia A3510 FR iMedia A3511 FR iMedia A3512 FR iMedia A4508 FR imedia A4511 FR imedia A4513 FR iMedia A4514 FR imedia A3518 FR imedia A3519 FR imedia A3520 FR iMedia D3504 FR imedia D3505 FR imedia D3506 FR imedia A6502 FR iMedia I6500 FR imedia I5507 FR IMEDIA A4028B FR IMEDIA A4028C FR iMedia A5005 FR iMedia A5006 FR IMEDIA A4029B FR IMEDIA A4025 FR IMEDIA A4027 FR IMEDIA A4028 FR imedia A4030 FR imedia A4034 FR IMEDIA D6007 FR imedia D6008 FR IMEDIA I6001 FR ixtreme A6502 FR ixtreme J5840 FR ixtreme I9502 FR ixtreme I9504 FR oneTwo M A6005 FR oneTwo L A7002 FR ONETWO M A5006 FR EasyNote LM87-JU-466FR EasyNote LM87-JN-479FR EasyNote LM82-SB-444FR EasyNote LM82-RB-495FR EasyNote LM82-RB-500FR EasyNote LM82-RB-522FR EasyNote LM82-RB-528FR EasyNote LM83-RB-527FR EasyNote LM83-RB-529FR EasyNote LM85-JO-437FR EasyNote LM85-JO-445FR EasyNote LM85-JU-448FR EasyNote LM85-JO-451FR EasyNote LM85-JN-456FR EasyNote LM85-JU-473FR EasyNote LM85-JN-449FR EasyNote LM85-JU-466FR EasyNote LM85-JN-474FR EasyNote LM98-JU-499FR EasyNote LM98-JO-399FR EasyNote LM98-JU468FR EasyNote LM98-JN-469FR EasyNote LM81-SB-526FR EasyNote LM81-RB-486FR EasyNote LM81-RB-487 EasyNote LM81-RB-497FR EasyNote LM81-RB-501FR EasyNote LM81-RB-514FR EasyNote LM81-RB-517FR EasyNote LM81-RB-525FR EASYNOTE_LM94-RB-899FR EasyNote TM86-JO-205FR EasyNote TM86-JO-228FR EasyNote TM86-JN-218FR EasyNote TM86-JP-235FR EasyNote TM82-SB-431FR EasyNote TM83-RB-380FR EasyNote TM82-RB-371FR EasyNote TM85-JO-442FR EasyNote TM85-JN-426FR EasyNote TM85-JO-262FR EasyNote TM85-JN-441FR EasyNote TM98-JO-099FR EasyNote TM98-JN-440FR EasyNote TM98-JO-480FR EasyNote TM98-JO-399FR EasyNote TM98-JU-450FR EasyNote TM81-RB-408FR EasyNote TM81-RB-437 EasyNote TM81-RB-438FR EasyNote TM81-SB-457FR EasyNote TM94-SB-442FR EasyNote TM87-JN-439FR EasyNote TM05-JN-001FR EasyNote TM82-SB-430FR EasyNote NM85-GU-218FR EasyNote NM98-JO-999FR EasyNote NM98-GU-899FR EasyNote NX86-JN-017FR EASYNOTE NX86-JN-011FR EasyNote NX86-JN-019FR dot SE-005FR dot SE/R-007FR dot SE/W-005FR dot SE/P-007FR dot SE-003FR dot SE-004FR dot SE-008FR dot SE/R-003FR dot SE/R-004FR dot SE/W-003FR dot SE/W-004FR dot SE/W-008FR dot SE/P-003FR dot SE/P-004FR Carbon 1To Studio ST 1 To Studio ST 1.5 To Studio HD 1 To PB Go 320 Go PB Go 750 Go PB Go 500 Go PB Go 1 To Blanc Easynote Butterfly M Easynote Butterfly S Easynote Butterfly S2 Easynote Butterfly T Easynote Butterfly Touch Easynote Butterfly XS Easynote iPower IP GX DM Easynote iPower IP GX DQ Easynote iPower IP GX M Easynote iPower IP GX Q Easynote iPower IP GX T EasyNote DT85 EasyNote TK13BZ EasyNote TM85 EasyNote TM87 EasyNote TM89 EasyNote TM98 EasyNote EN BG35 EasyNote EN BG48 EasyNote EN DT85 EasyNote EN F EasyNote EN LJ61 EasyNote EN LJ63 EasyNote EN LJ65 EasyNote EN LJ67 EasyNote EN LJ71 EasyNote EN LJ73 EasyNote EN LJ75 EasyNote EN LJ77 EasyNote EN LM81 EasyNote EN LM82 EasyNote LM83 EasyNote LM85 EasyNote LM86 EasyNote LM87 EasyNote LM94 EasyNote LM98 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(PT.U42-PV.U42) iMedia XS (PT.U54-PV.U54) iMedia (PT.U03-PV.U03) iMedia (PT.U05-PV.U05) iMedia (PT.U07-PV.U07) iMedia (PT.U08-PV.U08) iMedia (PT.U09-PV.U09) iMedia (PT.U12-PV.U12)

iMedia (PT.U22-PV.U22) iMedia (PT.U25-PV.U25) iMedia (PT.U26-PV.U26) iMedia (PT.U27-PV.U27) iMedia (PT.U33-PV.U33) iMedia (PT.U41-PV.U41) iMedia (PT.U46-PV.U46) iMedia (PT.U50-PV.U50) iMedia (PT.U56-PV.U56) iMedia (PT.U58-PV.U58) iMedia (PT.U59-PV.U59) iMedia (PT.U5A-PV.U5A) iMedia (PT.U5H-PV.U5H) iMedia (PT.U5Y-PV.U5Y) iMax (PT.U02-PV.U02) Netbook dot Netbook dot a Netbook dot m Netbook dot m - a Netbook dot m - u Netbook dot s Netbook dot s2 Netbook dot se Netbook dot se2 Netbook dot spt Netbook dot u Netbook dot vr46 Packard Bell 360 Packard Bell 7521C Packard Bell Ares GM Packard Bell Argo C Packard Bell CC7321 Packard Bell EasyNote LJ67-CU-262FR Packard Bell EasyNote LJ67-CU-289FR Packard Bell EasyNote LJ67-CU-507SP Packard Bell dot. S E2 Packard Bell dot.A Packard Bell dot.A-001DE Packard Bell dot.GE 02 Packard Bell dot.M Packard Bell dot.MRU Packard Bell dot.MU Packard Bell dot.NC/05 Packard Bell EasyNote LJ67-DT-577SP Packard Bell dot.S Packard Bell dot.S2 Packard Bell dot.SE Serie Packard Bell dot.SE-024GE Packard Bell dot.SE-027GE Packard Bell dot.SE-028 Packard Bell dot.SE-028GE Packard Bell dot.SE-045GE Packard Bell dot.SE-058GE Packard Bell dot.SE/P-016GE Packard Bell dot.SE/W-036GE Packard Bell dot.SPT Packard Bell dot.U Packard Bell dot.VR46 Packard Bell dot.ZG6 Packard Bell dotma  Packard Bell EasyNote LJ67-DT-566SP Packard Bell EasyNote 2800 Packard Bell EasyNote 3102 Packard Bell EasyNote 3131 Packard Bell EasyNote 3138 Packard Bell EasyNote 3750 Packard Bell EasyNote 5146 Packard Bell EasyNote 7521 Packard Bell EasyNote A Serie Packard Bell EasyNote A5 Serie Packard Bell EasyNote A5144 Packard Bell EasyNote A5144 se Packard Bell EasyNote A5340 Packard Bell EasyNote A5350 Packard Bell EasyNote A7 Serie 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Packard Bell EasyNote LX86-JP-135GE Packard Bell EasyNote LX86-JP-155GE Packard Bell EasyNote M3 Series Packard Bell EasyNote M3325 Packard Bell EasyNote M3328 Packard Bell EasyNote M4 Serie Packard Bell EasyNote M5 Packard Bell EasyNote M7 Serie Packard Bell EasyNote M7267 Packard Bell EasyNote M7269 Packard Bell EasyNote M7280 Packard Bell EasyNote M7300 Packard Bell EasyNote M7302 Packard Bell EasyNote M7305 Packard Bell EasyNote M7308 Packard Bell EasyNote MB55 series Packard Bell EasyNote MB55-P-0 Packard Bell EasyNote MB55-P-002 Packard Bell EasyNote MB65 series Packard Bell EasyNote MB65-P-006 Packard Bell EasyNote MB65-P-021 Packard Bell EasyNote MB65-P-030 Packard Bell EasyNote MB65-P-039 Packard Bell EasyNote MB65-P-045 Packard Bell EasyNote MB65-P-049 Packard Bell EasyNote MB65-P-062 Packard Bell EasyNote MB65-P-073 Packard Bell EasyNote MB66 series Packard Bell EasyNote MB66-P-001 Packard Bell EasyNote MB66-P-003 Packard Bell EasyNote MB66-P-006D Packard Bell EasyNote MB66-P-008D Packard Bell EasyNote MB66-P-024 Packard Bell Easynote MB66-P-025 Packard Bell Easynote MB66-P-029 Packard Bell EasyNote MB68 series Packard Bell Easynote MB68-96528 Packard Bell EasyNote MB68-P-0 Packard Bell EasyNote MB68-P-004 Packard Bell EasyNote MB68-P-090 Packard Bell EasyNote MB68-T-002 Packard Bell EasyNote MB68-T-005 Packard Bell EasyNote MB68-U-001 Packard Bell EasyNote MB85 series Packard Bell EasyNote MB85-008 Packard Bell EasyNote MB85-P-007 Packard Bell EasyNote MB85-P-009 Packard Bell EasyNote MB85-P-010 Packard Bell EasyNote MB85-P-018 Packard Bell EasyNote MB85-P-021 Packard Bell EasyNote MB86 series Packard Bell EasyNote MB86-P-001 Packard Bell EasyNote MB86-P-008 Packard Bell EasyNote MB86-P-015 Packard Bell EasyNote MB86-P-016 Packard Bell EasyNote MB86-P-019 Packard Bell EasyNote MB86-P-021 Packard Bell EasyNote MB87 series Packard Bell EasyNote MB87-P-001 Packard Bell EasyNote MB87-P-012 Packard Bell EasyNote MB87-P-013 Packard Bell EasyNote MB87-P-016 Packard Bell EasyNote MB87-P-022 Packard Bell EasyNote MB88 P-003 Packard Bell EasyNote MB88 series Packard Bell EasyNote MB88-P-006 Packard Bell EasyNote MB88-P-008 Packard Bell EasyNote MB88-P-009 Packard Bell EasyNote MB88-P-009W Packard Bell EasyNote MB88-P-010 Packard Bell EasyNote MB88-P-015 Packard Bell EasyNote MB88-P003 Packard Bell EasyNote MB88-P011 Packard Bell EasyNote MB89 (PC05Q00103) Packard Bell EasyNote MB89 ARES GP3W Packard Bell EasyNote MB89 series Packard Bell EasyNote MB89-P-005 Packard Bell EasyNote MB89-P-012 Packard Bell EasyNote MB89-P-019 Packard Bell EasyNote MB89-P-020 Packard Bell EasyNote MB89-P-023 Packard Bell EasyNote MB89-P-026 Packard Bell EasyNote Md851235 Packard Bell EasyNote ME35 series Packard Bell EasyNote ME35-T-024 Packard Bell EasyNote ME35-T-045 Packard Bell EasyNote ME35-U-005 Packard Bell EasyNote ME35-U-009 Packard Bell EasyNote ME35-U-015 Packard Bell EasyNote ME35-U-016 Packard Bell EasyNote ME35-U-022 Packard Bell EasyNote ME35-U-031 Packard Bell EasyNote MH35 series Packard Bell EasyNote MH35-U-001 Packard Bell EasyNote MH35-U-021 Packard Bell EasyNote MH35-U-032 Packard Bell EasyNote MH35-U-034 Packard Bell EasyNote MH35-U-042 Packard Bell EasyNote MH35-U-049 Packard Bell EasyNote MH35-U-053 Packard Bell EasyNote MH35-U-055 Packard Bell EasyNote MH35-U-100 Packard Bell EasyNote MH35-U-110 Packard Bell EasyNote MH36 Serie Packard Bell EasyNote MH36-U-022 Packard Bell EasyNote MH36-U-024 Packard Bell EasyNote MH36-U-026 Packard Bell EasyNote MH36-U-026GE Packard Bell EasyNote MH36-U-070 Packard Bell EasyNote MH36-U-072 Packard Bell EasyNote MH36-U-080 Packard Bell EasyNote MH36-U-110GE Packard Bell EasyNote MH36-U-122GE Packard Bell EasyNote MH36-V-200UK Packard Bell EasyNote MH45 Serie Packard Bell EasyNote MH45-U-100 Packard Bell EasyNote Minos GP3 Packard Bell EasyNote Minos GP3W Packard Bell EasyNote MIT Sable GT Packard Bell EasyNote MIT-COU-A Packard Bell EasyNote MIT-DRAG-5OC Packard Bell EasyNote MIT-DRAG-A Packard Bell EasyNote MIT-DRAG-SOC Packard Bell EasyNote MIT-LYN01 Packard Bell EasyNote MIT-LYN02 Packard Bell EasyNote MIT-LYN08 Packard Bell EasyNote MIT-NYN0Z Packard Bell EasyNote MIT-RHE-B Packard Bell EasyNote MIT-RHEA-A Packard Bell EasyNote MIT-SABLE-D Packard Bell EasyNote ML61-B-003 Packard Bell EasyNote ML61-B-100 Packard Bell EasyNote ML65 Packard Bell EasyNote ML65-U-100 Packard Bell EasyNote MT85 Serie Packard Bell EasyNote MT85-M-020FR Packard Bell EasyNote MT85-T-011IT Packard Bell EasyNote MT85-T-023SP Packard Bell EasyNote MT85-T-030SP Packard Bell EasyNote MT85-T-400NC Packard Bell EasyNote MV35-002 Packard Bell EasyNote MV35-100 Packard Bell EasyNote MV35-200 Packard Bell EasyNote MV35-202D Packard Bell EasyNote MV45 Serie Packard Bell EasyNote MV45-120 Packard Bell EasyNote MV46-010 Packard Bell EasyNote MV46-015 Packard Bell EasyNote MV51-014 Packard Bell EasyNote MV51-015 Packard Bell EasyNote MV51-100 Packard Bell EasyNote MV51-120 Packard Bell EasyNote MV61-001 Packard Bell EasyNote MV61-005 Packard Bell EasyNote MV85 Packard Bell EasyNote MV85-100 Packard Bell EasyNote MV85-120 Packard Bell EasyNote MV86-001 Packard Bell EasyNote MV86-002 Packard Bell EasyNote MV86-003 Packard Bell EasyNote MV86-004 Packard Bell EasyNote MV86-O-014 Packard Bell EasyNote MV86-O-014W Packard Bell EasyNote MV86-P-012 Packard Bell EasyNote MV86-P-013 Packard Bell EasyNote MV86-P-020 Packard Bell EasyNote MV86-U-015 Packard Bell EasyNote MX36 series Packard Bell EasyNote MX36-U-006 Packard Bell EasyNote MX36-U-030D Packard Bell EasyNote MX36-U-051 Packard Bell EasyNote MX36-U-056 Packard Bell EasyNote MX36-U-060D Packard Bell EasyNote MX36-V-038 Packard Bell EasyNote MX37 series Packard Bell EasyNote MX37-T-003 Packard Bell EasyNote MX37-T-005 Packard Bell EasyNote MX37-U-004 Packard Bell EasyNote MX37-U-005 Packard Bell EasyNote MX37-U-031 Packard Bell EasyNote MX37-U-041 Packard Bell EasyNote MX37-U-056 Packard Bell EasyNote MX37-V-034 Packard Bell EasyNote MX45 Packard Bell EasyNote MX45-100 Packard Bell EasyNote MX45-P025 Packard Bell EasyNote MX51-200 Packard Bell EasyNote MX51-201 Packard Bell EasyNote MX52 Ajax A Packard Bell EasyNote MX52 series Packard Bell EasyNote MX52-B-032 Packard Bell Easynote MX52-B-036 Packard Bell EasyNote MX52-B-044GE Packard Bell EasyNote MX52-B-049 Packard Bell EasyNote MX52-B-049A Packard Bell EasyNote MX52-B-057 Packard Bell EasyNote MX52-B-107 Packard Bell EasyNote MX52-B-120 Packard Bell EasyNote MX61 series Packard Bell EasyNote MX61-B-003 Packard Bell EasyNote MX61-B-014 Packard Bell EasyNote MX61-B-016 Packard Bell EasyNote MX61-B-018 Packard Bell EasyNote MX61-B-023 Packard Bell EasyNote MX61-B-028W Packard Bell EasyNote MX61-B-034 Packard Bell EasyNote MX61-B-091GE Packard Bell EasyNote MX61-B-096GE Packard Bell EasyNote MX65-100 Packard Bell EasyNote MX65-110 Packard Bell EasyNote MX66-008 Packard Bell EasyNote MX66-203 Packard Bell EasyNote MX67 Packard Bell EasyNote MX67-P -003 Packard Bell EasyNote MZ35-001 Packard Bell EasyNote MZ35-100 Packard Bell EasyNote MZ35-200 Packard Bell EasyNote MZ35-215MM Packard Bell EasyNote MZ35-V068 Packard Bell EasyNote MZ35-V094 Packard Bell EasyNote MZ36 Packard Bell EasyNote MZ36-U-001 Packard Bell EasyNote MZ36-U-038 Packard Bell EasyNote MZ45 series Packard Bell EasyNote MZ45-004 Packard Bell EasyNote MZ45-P-001 Packard Bell EasyNote MZ45-P-002 Packard Bell EasyNote MZ45-P-009 Packard Bell EasyNote MZ45-P-010 Packard Bell EasyNote NJ31 Packard Bell EasyNote NJ31-RB010FR Packard Bell EasyNote NJ65 Packard Bell EasyNote NJ65-AU-020UK Packard Bell EasyNote NM85 Packard Bell EasyNote NM85-JN-030GE Packard Bell EasyNote NM85-JU-202RU Packard Bell EasyNote NM86 Packard Bell EasyNote NM86-JN-108FR Packard Bell EasyNote NM87 Packard Bell EasyNote NM87-JN-030GE Packard Bell EasyNote NM98 Packard Bell EasyNote NM98-JU-220 Packard Bell EasyNote NX82 Packard Bell EasyNote NX86 Packard Bell EasyNote NX86-JN-011FR Packard Bell EasyNote R0 Serie Packard Bell EasyNote R0160 Packard Bell EasyNote R0202 Packard Bell EasyNote R0203 Packard Bell EasyNote R0422 Packard Bell EasyNote R0900 Packard Bell EasyNote R090052 Packard Bell EasyNote R0902 Packard Bell EasyNote R0903 Packard Bell EasyNote R0903 Packard Bell EasyNote R0930 Packard Bell EasyNote R1 Serie Packard Bell EasyNote R1000 Packard Bell EasyNote R1004 Packard Bell EasyNote R1005 Packard Bell EasyNote R1100 Packard Bell EasyNote R1800 Packard Bell EasyNote R1801 Packard Bell EasyNote R1805 Packard Bell EasyNote R1900 Packard Bell EasyNote R1904 Packard Bell EasyNote R1907 Packard Bell EasyNote R1908 Packard Bell EasyNote R1910 Packard Bell EasyNote R1930 Packard Bell EasyNote R1936 Packard Bell EasyNote R1938 Packard Bell EasyNote R1978 Packard Bell EasyNote R1980 Packard Bell EasyNote R1983 W Packard Bell EasyNote R1994 Packard Bell EasyNote R1994 Belgacom Packard Bell EasyNote R1994 Telenet Packard Bell EasyNote R1996 Packard Bell EasyNote R2 Serie Packard Bell EasyNote R2120 Packard Bell EasyNote R2127 Packard Bell EasyNote R3 Serie Packard Bell EasyNote R3024 Packard Bell EasyNote R3320 Packard Bell EasyNote R3321 Packard Bell EasyNote R3321D Packard Bell EasyNote R3340D Packard Bell EasyNote R3400 Packard Bell EasyNote R3403 Packard Bell EasyNote R3423 Packard Bell EasyNote R3423D Packard Bell EasyNote R3450 Packard Bell EasyNote R3453 Packard Bell EasyNote R3454 Packard Bell EasyNote R3801 Packard Bell EasyNote R3810 Packard Bell EasyNote R3811 Packard Bell EasyNote R4 Serie Packard Bell EasyNote R4000 Packard Bell EasyNote R4000D Packard Bell EasyNote R4250 Packard Bell EasyNote R4340 Packard Bell EasyNote R4345 Packard Bell EasyNote R4355 Packard Bell EasyNote R4360 Packard Bell EasyNote R4510 Packard Bell EasyNote R4620 Packard Bell EasyNote R4622 Packard Bell EasyNote R5 Serie Packard Bell EasyNote R5155 Packard Bell EasyNote R5175 Packard Bell EasyNote R6 Serie Packard Bell EasyNote R6225 Packard Bell EasyNote R6510 Packard Bell EasyNote R6512 Packard Bell EasyNote R6720 Packard Bell EasyNote R6730 Packard Bell EasyNote R6740 Packard Bell EasyNote R7 Serie Packard Bell EasyNote R7155 Packard Bell EasyNote R7710 Packard Bell EasyNote R7720 Packard Bell EasyNote R7725 Packard Bell EasyNote R7730 Packard Bell EasyNote R7730HR Packard Bell EasyNote R7735 Packard Bell EasyNote R7745 Packard Bell EasyNote R8 Serie Packard Bell EasyNote R8205 Packard Bell EasyNote R8720 Packard Bell EasyNote R8720-M725 Packard Bell EasyNote R8720D Packard Bell EasyNote R8721-M725 Packard Bell EasyNote R8730 Packard Bell EasyNote R8740 Packard Bell EasyNote R8748 Packard Bell EasyNote R8750D Packard Bell EasyNote R8761 Packard Bell EasyNote R8762 Packard Bell EasyNote R8770 Packard Bell EasyNote R8790 Packard Bell EasyNote R8800 Packard Bell EasyNote R9 Serie Packard Bell EasyNote R9200 Packard Bell EasyNote R9500 Packard Bell EasyNote R9755 Packard Bell EasyNote RS65-U-100 Packard Bell EasyNote RS66 Packard Bell EasyNote RS66-M-007FR Packard Bell EasyNote S1 Serie Packard Bell EasyNote S2 Serie Packard Bell EasyNote S4 Serie Packard Bell EasyNote S5 Serie Packard Bell EasyNote S7 Serie Packard Bell EasyNote S8 Serie Packard Bell EasyNote S8500 Packard Bell EasyNote S8900 Packard Bell EasyNote S8950 Packard Bell EasyNote S8951 Packard Bell EasyNote SB65 Minos GM Packard Bell EasyNote SB65 Series Packard Bell EasyNote SB65-P-008 Packard Bell EasyNote SB65-P-015 Packard Bell EasyNote SB65-T-011 Packard Bell EasyNote SB65-U-001D Packard Bell EasyNote SB65-U-007 Packard Bell EasyNote SB65-U-010 Packard Bell EasyNote SB65-U-021 Packard Bell EasyNote SB65-U-026 Packard Bell EasyNote SB65-U-026W Packard Bell EasyNote SB65-U-027 Packard Bell EasyNote SB65-U-028 Packard Bell EasyNote SB85 Series Packard Bell EasyNote SB85-006 Packard Bell EasyNote SB85-P-012 Packard Bell EasyNote SB85-P-022D Packard Bell EasyNote SB85-P-023 Packard Bell EasyNote SB85-P-038W Packard Bell EasyNote SB85-P010 Packard Bell EasyNote SB85-U-025 Packard Bell Easynote SB86 P-015 Packard Bell EasyNote SB86 series Packard Bell EasyNote SB86-036 Packard Bell EasyNote SB86-P-012 Packard Bell EasyNote SB86-P-030 Packard Bell EasyNote SB86-P-033 Packard Bell EasyNote SB86-P-036 Packard Bell EasyNote SB86-P-040 Packard Bell EasyNote SB87 series Packard Bell EasyNote SB87-P-001 Packard Bell EasyNote SB87-P-009 Packard Bell EasyNote SB87-P-011 Packard Bell EasyNote SB87-P-015 Packard Bell EasyNote SB87-P-020 Packard Bell EasyNote SB87-P-020/C2D Packard Bell EasyNote SB87-P-022 Packard Bell EasyNote SB87-P-024 Packard Bell EasyNote SB87-P-026 Packard Bell EasyNote SB88 series Packard Bell EasyNote SB88-015 Packard Bell EasyNote SB88-P-007 Packard Bell EasyNote SB88-P-008 Packard Bell EasyNote SB88-P-010 Packard Bell EasyNote SB88-P-012 Packard Bell EasyNote SB88-P-014 Packard Bell EasyNote SB88-P-019 Packard Bell EasyNote SB89 Packard Bell EasyNote SB89 series Packard Bell EasyNote SB89-P-009 Packard Bell EasyNote SB89-P-013 Packard Bell EasyNote SB89-P-014 Packard Bell EasyNote SB89-P-015 Packard Bell EasyNote SB89-P-017 Packard Bell EasyNote SB89-P-020W Packard Bell EasyNote SB89-P-024 Packard Bell EasyNote SB89-P-090 Packard Bell EasyNote Silver 3100 Packard Bell EasyNote SJ51 Packard Bell EasyNote SJ51 series Packard Bell EasyNote SJ51-B-003 Packard Bell EasyNote SJ51-B-020GE Packard Bell EasyNote SJ51-B-022 Packard Bell Easynote SJ51-B-055 Packard Bell EasyNote SJ51-B-090 Packard Bell Easynote SJ51-B-20GER Packard Bell EasyNote SJ81 series Packard Bell EasyNote SJ81-42301 Packard Bell EasyNote SJ81-B-005 Packard Bell EasyNote SJ81-B-008W Packard Bell EasyNote SJ81-B-012D Packard Bell EasyNote SJ81-B-016 Packard Bell EasyNote SJ81-B-019 Packard Bell EasyNote SJ81-B-023 Packard Bell EasyNote SJ81B-015 Packard Bell EasyNote SJ81B-12D Packard Bell EasyNote SJ82 series Packard Bell EasyNote SJ82-010 Packard Bell EasyNote SJ82-96527 Packard Bell EasyNote SJ82-B-003/TL64 Packard Bell EasyNote SJ82-B-004 Packard Bell EasyNote SJ82-B-005 Packard Bell EasyNote SJ82-B-008 Packard Bell EasyNote SJ82-B-008GE Packard Bell EasyNote SJ82-B-023GE Packard Bell EasyNote SJ82-B-030GE Packard Bell EasyNote SJM52-MS Packard Bell EasyNote SL35 Packard Bell EasyNote SL35-U-20 Packard Bell Easynote SL45 Packard Bell Easynote SL45-U-121 Packard Bell EasyNote SL51 Serie Packard Bell EasyNote SL51-B-092 Packard Bell EasyNote SL65-010 Packard Bell EasyNote SL65-M-011 Packard Bell EasyNote SL65-M-014 Packard Bell EasyNote SL65-M-015 Packard Bell EasyNote SL65-M-016 Packard Bell EasyNote SL65-P-091 Packard Bell EasyNote SL65-P-546 Packard Bell EasyNote SL65-U-101 Packard Bell EasyNote SL81-B-001 Packard Bell EasyNote SL81-B-007 Packard Bell EasyNote SL81-B-091 Packard Bell EasyNote SL81-B-093 Packard Bell EasyNote SL81-B-094 Packard Bell EasyNote SL81-B-100 Packard Bell EasyNote ST86 Packard Bell EasyNote ST86-M-021FR Packard Bell EasyNote SW35 Packard Bell EasyNote SW45 Packard Bell EasyNote SW51 Packard Bell EasyNote SW61 Packard Bell EasyNote SW85-001 Packard Bell EasyNote SW85-018 Packard Bell EasyNote SW85-110 Packard Bell EasyNote SW86 Packard Bell EasyNote SW86-O-010 Packard Bell EasyNote T5 Packard Bell EasyNote T5 Serie Packard Bell EasyNote T5135 Packard Bell EasyNote TH36 Packard Bell EasyNote TJ61 Packard Bell EasyNote TJ61 (MS2274) Packard Bell EasyNote TJ61-RB-001 Packard Bell EasyNote TJ61-RB-005 Packard Bell EasyNote TJ61-RB-030 Packard Bell EasyNote TJ65-CU-030GE Packard Bell EasyNote TJ65-CU-079GE Packard Bell EasyNote TJ65-DM-072 Packard Bell EasyNote TJ65-DM-079 Packard Bell EasyNote TJ65-DT-007GE Packard Bell EasyNote TJ65-DT-010 Packard Bell EasyNote TJ65-DT-010GE Packard Bell EasyNote TJ65-DT-075 Packard Bell EasyNote TJ65-DT-075GE Packard Bell EasyNote TJ65-DT-078GE Packard Bell EasyNote TJ65-DT-080GE Packard Bell EasyNote TJ65-DT-088GE Packard Bell EasyNote TJ66 Packard Bell EasyNote TJ66-DT-011 Packard Bell EasyNote TJ67 Packard Bell EasyNote TJ68 Packard Bell EasyNote TJ71 Packard Bell EasyNote TJ71 MS2285 Packard Bell EasyNote TJ71-SB-078GE Packard Bell EasyNote TJ71-SB-105GE Packard Bell EasyNote TJ72 Packard Bell EasyNote TJ73 Packard Bell EasyNote TJ74 Packard Bell EasyNote TJ75 Packard Bell EasyNote TJ75-JN-072GE Packard Bell EasyNote TJ75-JO-075GE Packard Bell EasyNote TK37 Packard Bell EasyNote TK37-AV-010UK Packard Bell EasyNote TJ65 Packard Bell EasyNote TJ65 (MS2273) Packard Bell EasyNote TJ62 Packard Bell EasyNote TJ63 Packard Bell EasyNote TJ64 Packard Bell EasyNote TJ61-SB-010 Packard Bell EasyNote TJ61-SB-001 Packard Bell EasyNote TJ75-JO-077GE Packard Bell EasyNote TJ76 Packard Bell EasyNote TJ77 Packard Bell EasyNote TJ78 Packard Bell EasyNote TK36 Packard Bell EasyNote TK36-AV-115 Packard Bell EasyNote TK81 Packard Bell EasyNote TK81-SB-001GE Packard Bell EasyNote TK81-SB-022GE Packard Bell EasyNote TK83 Packard Bell EasyNote TK83-RB-005GE Packard Bell EasyNote TK85 Packard Bell EasyNote TK85-GN-008GE Packard Bell EasyNote TK87 Packard Bell EasyNote TK87-GU-210 Packard Bell EasyNote TM01 Packard Bell EasyNote TM01-SB-055GE Packard Bell EasyNote TM80 Packard Bell EasyNote TM80-RB-021UK Packard Bell EasyNote TM81-SB-070GE Packard Bell EasyNote TM82 Packard Bell EasyNote TM82-SB-010GE Packard Bell EasyNote TM83 Packard Bell EasyNote TM83-RB-018UK Packard Bell EasyNote TM85 Packard Bell EasyNote TM85-CU-070GE Packard Bell EasyNote TM85-CU-080GE Packard Bell EasyNote TM81 Packard Bell EasyNote TM81-P324G50Mn Packard Bell EasyNote TM85-JO-051GE Packard Bell EasyNote TM85-JU-001GE Packard Bell EasyNote TM86 Packard Bell EasyNote TM86 Model NEW91 Packard Bell EasyNote TM86-JN-055GE Packard Bell EasyNote TM86-JO-075GE Packard Bell EasyNote TM87 Packard Bell EasyNote TM87-JN-070GE Packard Bell EasyNote TM87-JO-085GE Packard Bell EasyNote TM89 Packard Bell EasyNote TM94 Packard Bell EasyNote TM94-SB-010DE Packard Bell EasyNote TM94-SB-055GE Packard Bell EasyNote TM97 Packard Bell EasyNote TM98 Packard Bell EasyNote TM98-JO-013GE Packard Bell EasyNote TM98-JO-051GE Packard Bell EasyNote TM99 Packard Bell EasyNote TN36 Packard Bell EasyNote TN36-U-440 Packard Bell EasyNote TN65 ETNA GM Packard Bell EasyNote TN65-M-102 Packard Bell EasyNote TN65-P-090 Packard Bell EasyNote TN65-P-091 Packard Bell EasyNote TR81 Packard Bell EasyNote TR82 Packard Bell EasyNote TR83 Packard Bell EasyNote TR85 Packard Bell EasyNote TR85-DM-005 Packard Bell EasyNote TR85-DT-004 Packard Bell EasyNote TR86 Packard Bell EasyNote TR87 Packard Bell EasyNote TS11 Packard Bell EasyNote TS11HR-169GE Packard Bell EasyNote TS11HR-200GE Packard Bell EasyNote TS13 Packard Bell EasyNote TS13HR-025GE Packard Bell Easynote TS44 Packard Bell Easynote TS44HR-051GE Packard Bell EasyNote TX86 Packard Bell EasyNote TX86-JN-075GE Packard Bell EasyNote TX86-JO-049GE Packard Bell EasyNote TX86-JO-080GE Packard Bell EasyNote TX86-JO-086GE Packard Bell EasyNote V7 Packard Bell EasyNote V7801 Packard Bell EasyNote v7900 Packard Bell EasyNote VX+ Packard Bell EasyNote W1800 Packard Bell EasyNote W1801 Packard Bell EasyNote W3 Serie Packard Bell EasyNote W3010 Packard Bell EasyNote W3025 Packard Bell EasyNote W3040 Packard Bell EasyNote W3100 Packard Bell EasyNote W3117 Packard Bell EasyNote W3240 Packard Bell EasyNote W3300 Packard Bell EasyNote W3301D Packard Bell EasyNote W3320 Packard Bell EasyNote W3330 Packard Bell EasyNote W3330D Packard Bell EasyNote W3350 Packard Bell EasyNote W33xx Packard Bell EasyNote W3420 Packard Bell EasyNote W3420 Dragon Packard Bell EasyNote W3423 Packard Bell EasyNote W3425 Packard Bell EasyNote W3430 Packard Bell EasyNote W3431 Packard Bell EasyNote W3440 Packard Bell EasyNote W3440 Dragon Packard Bell EasyNote W3450 Packard Bell EasyNote W3634 Packard Bell EasyNote W3650 Packard Bell EasyNote W3810 Packard Bell EasyNote W3900 Packard Bell EasyNote W3903 Packard Bell EasyNote W3910D Packard Bell EasyNote W5800 Serie Packard Bell EasyNote W5913 Packard Bell EasyNote W5913 W Packard Bell EasyNote W7040 Packard Bell EasyNote W7056 Packard Bell EasyNote W7600 Packard Bell EasyNote W7610 Packard Bell EasyNote W7620 Packard Bell EasyNote W7760 Packard Bell EasyNote W7770 Packard Bell EasyNote W7810 Packard Bell EasyNote W8 Serie Packard Bell EasyNote W8/SW85 Packard Bell EasyNote W8930 Packard Bell EasyNote W8933 Packard Bell EasyNote W8934 Packard Bell EasyNote XS EV-015GE Packard Bell Easynote XS10 Packard Bell Easynote XS20 Packard Bell EasyOne 1550 Packard Bell EasyOne 1551 Packard Bell EasyOne 1552 Packard Bell EasyOne DC 1695 Packard Bell EasyNote W8924 Packard Bell EasyOne Silver Packard Bell EasyOne Silver 2101 Packard Bell EasyOne Silver 2120 Packard Bell EasyOne Silver 2121 Packard Bell EasyOne Silver 2800 Packard Bell EasyOne Silver 312 Packard Bell EasyOne Silver 3120 Packard Bell EasyOne Silver 3120 Packard Bell EasyOne Silver 3131 Packard Bell EasyOne Silver 3138 Packard Bell EasyOne Silver 7521 Packard Bell EasyOne Silver 7521N Packard Bell EasyOne Silver 7521NL Packard Bell EasyOne Silver 7521NT Packard Bell iComplete Mobile Packard Bell iComplete Mobile 2 Packard Bell iComplete Mobile 2004 Packard Bell iGo 2000 MIT-WEA01 Packard Bell iGo 2000er Serie Packard Bell iGo 2142 Packard Bell IGo 2160 Packard Bell iGo 2185 Packard Bell iGo 2440 Packard Bell iGo 2441 Packard Bell iGo 2451 Packard Bell iGo 2491 Packard Bell iGo 3491 Packard Bell iGo 4000 Packard Bell iGo 4000er Serie Packard Bell iGo 4450 Packard Bell iGo 4451 Packard Bell iGo 5000 Packard Bell iGo 5562 Packard Bell iGo 5xxx Serie Packard Bell iGo 6000 Packard Bell iGo 6xxx Packard Bell iPower 5000 er Serie Packard Bell iPower 5254 Packard Bell iPower 5264 Packard Bell iPower 5305 Packard Bell iPower 5541 Packard Bell iPower 5542 Packard Bell iGo 3000 Packard Bell iGo 3000 Serie Packard Bell iGo 3203 Packard Bell iGo 3481 Packard Bell iGo 2441 MIT-WEA01 Packard Bell iPower GX-M-003 Packard Bell iPower GX-M-004GE Packard Bell iPower GX-M-011 Packard Bell iPower GX-M-011GE Packard Bell iPower GX-M-014 Packard Bell iPower GX-Q-030 Packard Bell Kamet GM Packard Bell MID-894242/UNI-TRI-NT Packard Bell MID-997736 Packard Bell iPower 5624 MIT-CAI01 Packard Bell iPower 5642 Packard Bell iPower GX-M-001 Packard Bell iPower GX-M-002 Packard Bell MIT-CAI0 Packard Bell MIT-CAI01 Packard Bell MIT-CAI02 Packard Bell MIT-COU-A Packard Bell MIT-DRAG-GT Packard Bell MIT-DRAG-GT Packard Bell MIT-DRAG-GT2 Packard Bell MIT-DRAG-SDC Packard Bell MIT-LYN08 Packard Bell MIT-MAN01 Packard Bell MIT-RHE-B Packard Bell MIT-RHEA-A C Packard Bell MIT-RHEA-A DC Packard Bell MIT-RHEA-C Packard Bell MIT-SABLE-D Packard Bell Model No. PEW96 Packard Bell MS-Model: AGM00 Packard Bell MIT-GHA30 Packard Bell MIT-LYN02 Packard Bell MIT-DRAG-SDC 2 Packard Bell MIT-GHA20  Packard Bell EasyNote W7200 Packard Bell EasyNote W7500 Packard Bell MS-Model: HERC0 Packard Bell MS-Model: RAC00 Packard Bell MS2290 Packard Bell NAV50 Packard Bell OL 532 R2 Packard Bell Orion AP2 Packard Bell P960400003 Packard Bell PB11400005 Packard Bell QUA-K1 Packard Bell QUA-NR1 Packard Bell REF: P/N PB52D00003 Packard Bell ST85 Serie Packard Bell ST85-P-100 Packard Bell TM85-CU-080GE Packard Bell Versa M300 Packard Bell Vesuvio G
